December 2003 |

December 2003

Telegraph Group Limited 10/11/2003 A bishop who angered homosexuals by suggesting they seek a psychiatric cure is to be investigated by police to see if his outspoken views amount to a criminal offence, it emerged yesterday. The Rt Rev Dr Peter Forster, the Bishop of Chester, infuriated homosexuals both in...Read more
TBC Today
Nov 18, 12:05 PM (ET) BOSTON (AP) - Massachusetts ' highest court ruled 4-3 Tuesday that the state's ban on same- sex marriage is unconstitutional and gave lawmakers 180 days to come up with a solution that would allow gay couples to wed. The court did not issue marriage licenses...Read more
TBC Today
The next martyr we meet with, according to St. Luke, in the History of the Apsotles' Acts, was James the son of Zebedee, the elder brother of John, and a relative of our Lord; for his mother Salome was cousin-german to the Virgin Mary. It was not until ten years...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: A tree is known by its fruit, and the Christ must be known by his words, his deeds, and, above all, his energy. If one man could achieve world domination (which, in today's world, I very much doubt) then it could only be someone of the stature of...Read more
TBC Today
Secular Sources confirm the existence of John the Baptist. "Herod (Antipas) was caught up in a quarrel with the King of Petra, Aretas, whose daughter he had married and with whom he had lived with for some time. But once while he was staying in Rome with his half brother...Read more
TBC Today
Islam teaches that on the “last day” (which literally cannot come until Muslims have murdered all Jews on earth) all Muslims whose good deeds outweigh their bad deeds will enter Paradise. Following the example of their prophet Muhammad, killing non-Muslims, especially Jews, is among a Muslim’s best deeds. Dying in...Read more
feature article
Dear Dave, I have been receiving The Berean Call for years and have purchased materials from your organization. I made a decisionto find out if what Roman Catholicism teaches is true or not. I put down all the anti- Catholic propaganda books that I had been reading (including yours and...Read more
The Portugal News 11 /1/03: Delegates attending the Vatican and United Nations (UN) inspired annual interfaith congress, “The Future of God,” held during October in Fátima, heard how the Shrine is to be developed into a centre where all the religions of the world will gather to pay homage to...Read more
news alert
Question: The following is a post that Phil Johnson of MacArthur’s radio program Grace to You put on a web page called “ezboard” on 8/22/03: “Dave Hunt distributes a videotape of a lecture on Calvinism he gave at Greg Laurie's church, in which Hunt says this:‘Don't get angry with me...Read more
question and answer
Question (composite of several): In the October Q&A you wrote: “Jesus is called the ‘second man’ ( 1 Corinthians:15:47 The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the LORD from heaven. See All... ) and the ‘last Adam’ (v. 45). Just as Adam needed no mother...Read more
question and answer
