December 2003 |

December 2003

We [Arab leaders] brought disaster upon...Arab refugees...bringing pressure to bear upon them to leave [ Israel in 1948].... We have rendered them dispossessed... accustomed them to begging...[lowered] their moral and social level....We exploited the service of political purposes. Khaled Al-Azm, Prime Minister of Syria, Memoirs , 1:386-87, cited in...Read more
By God’s Grace There are some special projects in the works that we hope to complete as early as possible next year, so we covet your prayers to that end. The groundwork has been prepared for our psychology video, tentatively titled Psychology & The Church: Critical Questions—Biblical Answers . Shooting...Read more
tbc notes
El Islam enseña que en el "último día" (el cual no puede venir hasta que los musulmanes hayan asesinado a todos los judíos en la tierra) todos los musulmanes cuyas buenas obras sean más numerosas que sus malas obras entrarán al Paraíso. Siguiendo el ejemplo de su profeta Mahoma, matando...Read more
feature article
