April 2004 | thebereancall.org

April 2004

Magazine Hopes to Lure Teen Boys into Bible Reading Religion News Service Volume 2, Number 10 - March 12, 2004 By Amanda Mantone. Sex advice, music reviews and tips on looking good ... no, it's not the latest issue of GQ or Maxim. It's the Bible -- for the mind...Read more
TBC Today
A Marian Movie? Extremely ecumenical and very pro- Catholic “Christianity Today” (many of the leading signers and promoters of “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission in the Third Millennium” are “CT” editors and contributors) supplied the following: Mel Gibson told “CT”: "I've been actually amazed at the way I...Read more
TBC Today
In the year 1875, when seventy years of age, Mr. Mueller was led to start on his Missionary Tour, and during the next twenty years preached to more than three million people, in forty-two countries of the world. “On August 8th, 1882,” Mr. Mueller says, “we began our ninth Missionary...Read more
TBC Today
When Islam conquers, it establishes memorials to its conquest. Islam ’s most holy sites (apart from the two in Mecca and Medina) are former Jewish or Christian holy sites. Thus the Omar mosque (Dome of the Rock) stands over the site of the Jewish temple to denote Islam ’s superiority...Read more
TBC Today
2-8-2004 The Observer, Guardian Unlimited network It's rap, jihad-style. A music video with blood-curdling images, fronted by a young British Muslim rapper brandishing a gun and a Koran is the latest hit in radical Islamic circles. The rap song is called 'Dirty Kuffar' - Arabic for dirty non-believer - and...Read more
TBC Today
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