April 2004 | thebereancall.org

April 2004

Question: Obviously, there are many Christian teachers on radio and TV whose teaching is misleading or unbiblical. Should we avoid them, or learn what we can from them that is biblical? Who is safe to listen to? Whom do you recommend on radio, TV or in books that is the...Read more
question and answer
Question: I have been disturbed for some time by the “praise and worship” music in my church—even to the point of looking elsewhere. But I seem to find the same thing everywhere I go. So much of it seems shallow and repetitive. I long for the old hymns that had...Read more
question and answer
Question: I heard you recently express concern that an actor played the part of Jesus in the Mel Gibson movie, The Passion of the Christ . There have been many movies that portrayed Christ, yet I don’t recall hearing you complain about them. What about the Jesus film that has...Read more
question and answer
The time is short: seek little here below: Earth’s goods would cumber thee, and drag thee down; Let daily food suffice; care not to know Thought for tomorrow; it may never come. Thou canst not perish, for thy Lord is nigh, And His own care will all thy need supply...Read more
Hoy en día, exactamente como Dios lo había profetizado, el hombre se ha vuelto más insolente, descarado, atrevido, audaz, en su desafío hacia Dios. Un elemento básico para el rechazo de Cristo y el desprecio de su doctrina en la iglesia, es que el hombre en vez de pensar y...Read more
feature article
