April 2004 | thebereancall.org

April 2004

This is the pdf version of the April 2004 The Berean Call .Read more
Today, exactly as the Bible prophesied, man grows ever bolder in his defiance of God. One basic element common to the rejection of Christ in the world and contempt for sound doctrine in the church is the lack of musing , i.e., thinking and reasoning carefully, especially about God, His...Read more
feature article
Mail Call Please don’t be upset if you take the time to write to us and you don’t receive a reply. Though we continue to grow as a ministry, we are trying nevertheless to keep TBC’s operation small and personal, as well as economically efficient. Three of us answer letters...Read more
tbc notes
Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon , A friend introduced me to your website. I find your [radio] program to be uplifting and informative. The truths you share are stifled among the secular world and, unfortunately, even Christians are unwilling to take a stand ….Hearing you speak and expound on things...Read more
United Press International, 3/18/2004: Wilmington, NC—A school library book checked out by a first-grader, in which a prince and a prince live happily ever after, has a North Carolina family upset. Michael and Tonya Hartsell of Wilmington read along with 7-year-old Olivia every weeknight before bed, but when they started...Read more
news alert
Question (composite of several): I disagree with your answer in TBC February issue regarding the actions of Judge Roy Moore. He should have obeyed the order to remove the Ten Commandments as if it were from God. In Acts:5:29 Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought...Read more
question and answer
