Mail Call
Please don’t be upset if you take the time to write to us and you don’t receive a reply. Though we continue to grow as a ministry, we are trying nevertheless to keep TBC’s operation small and personal, as well as economically efficient. Three of us answer letters among our many duties. Every letter is read, and its input greatly appreciated; but we cannot answer them all.
It is our desire that our newsletter and the books and tapes we recommend will continue to be the ministry’s primary information resource. The reprints of back newsletter issues have also proved to be tremendously valuable to our readers, providing answers to a great percentage of questions.
T.A. McMahon
Executive Director
Supplement: In the Feb. ‘04 issue of TBC we stated that Rick Warren was a graduate of Robert Schuller’s Church Growth Institute. It is unclear whether or not Warren actually graduated. He did attend the Institute, according to a 2002 Christianity Today article and was listed as a 1997 Schuller Institute faculty member.
When Schuller developed his principles of church leadership and growth, he decided that appealing to man's self esteem was the best way to draw them in. Norman Vincent Peale advised him to modify the gospel to fit this new method. In response, Schuller called for a new reformation, going from a theocentric (God-centered) to a “human need” approach, certainly radical surgery to the body of historic and biblical theology. Warren seems to follow Schuller in this.