Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon,
A friend introduced me to your website. I find your [radio] program to be uplifting and informative. The truths you share are stifled among the secular world and, unfortunately, even Christians are unwilling to take a stand ….Hearing you speak and expound on things on the air is extremely helpful. I do pray that you will be able to keep your ministry alive and well, and I realize that in doing so, I will be praying for God to show me what role I am to play in supporting it. LS (KS)
Dear Mr Hunt and Friends at TBC,
Thank you for your attention to detail and your commitment to presenting the truth through your publications....I have been incarcerated for the last seventeen years. Until about three years ago, I was unaware of your ministry. When I began reading your material, such as Occult Invasion, and, of course, The Berean Call, I was immediately impressed that I could trust your publications. They have been instrumental in helping me mentor young Christians since then. As you are probably well aware, the prison systems in the U.S. are “stocked ponds” for spiritual fishing. Unfortunately, too often—because people feel so bad when they arrive in prison—they are prime targets for ministers of “feel good” faiths and religions that promise pseudo-intellectual/spiritual growth (self-agrandizement). By carefully and consistently working with those who are interested...the men have been able to see the false hope of emotional and intellectual attainments and put their faith and energy to work in bringing their thoughts and actions into conformity with God’s Word. LH (prisoner, FL)
Dear The Berean Call,
I’m so glad to receive the first of your newsletters to me titled “Road Map to Armageddon” (Jan ’04). It’s an eye opener to many naïve Christians (like me) who do not really know what is going on in this Planet Earth. When I went to an Internet café, I mistakenly typed www.thebereancall.com and got to an entirely different website, and without my knowledge to the extent, I signed the guestbook with my particulars. God delivered me from the hands of these false brethren through another concerned brother who perceived that I (and indeed many others) had been misled. So he picked our emails from the guestbook and emailed me. Then I discovered that indeed there are many people out there who are just [hoping] to deceive innocent brethren who would want to know Christ and be known by Christ genuinely. I am glad to know about you. SA (Nigeria)
Dear Berean Call,
Please take me off your mailing list. I have found your resources very helpful in the past, particularly in sorting out my understanding about my Catholic background….I was offended by your condemnation of all contemporary churches in your recent newsletter. You generalized and condemned music style as well as some no doubt bad teaching.…There is nothing wrong with using Postmodern art, music, and language to articulate Jesus to a Postmodern culture that desperately needs to understand Him and accept Him! JD (MI)
Dear Dave,
Thank you so much for your comments in the February (’04) newsletter regarding Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life. Our pastor is taking the congregation through this study, and everyone is very fired up about it. Somehow I could not get excited about it, but rather have become more and more troubled....every church seems to be getting on board. Just knowing that Rick Warren was a graduate of Schuller’s institute is enough for me. TC (CA) [TBC: Please see the supplement regarding Rick Warren and Schuller’s Institute on this page.]
Dear Sirs,
Up front I want to again express my appreciation for your ministry and commitment to God’s truth. I just finished a study of Phillip E. Johnson’s Darwin on Trial. My memory pulled up some of Dave’s What Love Is This? in a comparison of the two as to determining truth….As Darwinianism’s concept of evolution is essential to maintain the humanist’s position of “scientific fact,” so Calvinism must maintain [the Calvinist’s] concept of God’s sovereignty. In both instances, they are dependent upon a philosophical premise, which foundation collapses in the light of truth. To quote from Johnson’s book, “Scientific methodology exists whenever theories are subjected to vigorous empirical testing, and it is absent whenever the practice is to protect a theory rather than to test it” (p. 154). GB (ID)