April 2006 | thebereancall.org

April 2006

TBC: The past several weeks has given us a literal wave of "new finds" promoted by evolutionists as they engineer a "full court press" to defend the tottering edifice of evolution. The following excerpts are typical and following past example, will be set aside in a very short time. "A...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Too many have taken the timeless Gospel and leaning upon their own understanding seek to make it more relevant for today's world. Consider the following description of the gospel as advanced by minister specializing in "outreach." Although the author correctly notes that too many have made the gospel a...Read more
TBC Today
TBC: Past editions of our Daily Update have addressed skeptical attacks upon the truth of Scripture. Here (originally from 1902) are some remarks concerning a critic's judgment that the biblical account borrowed much from Babylonian creation myths.] I now take up . . . the relation between the Babylonian account...Read more
TBC Today
[TBC: Some time back we noted the statements by Brian McLaren in which he suggested that the issue of homosexuality needed a five year moratorium before believers can address the subject. As he attempts to clarify his position, he moves further away from the biblical position.] Man Says: I hesitate...Read more
TBC Today
Court Allows Church's Hallucinogenic Tea [Excerpts] The Supreme Court ruled unanimously [February 21, 2006] that a small congregation in New Mexico may use hallucinogenic tea as part of a four-hour ritual intended to connect with God. Justices, in their first religious freedom decision under Chief Justice John Roberts, moved decisively...Read more
TBC Today
