April 2006 | thebereancall.org

April 2006

When is a hate-crime not a hate-crime? Answer: when the powers-that-be say it isn't. [Excerpts] One problem with hate-crime laws is that they're more the result of bad ideology than good criminology, and nothing illustrates this point better than the current spate of church burnings in Alabama. As you may...Read more
TBC Today
Infiltration by the book [Excerpts] by Cal Thomas Beginning with the Revolutionary War when British agents and sympathizers attempted to derail independence, there have been people who have tried to infiltrate the United States for the purpose of undermining and destroying it. Now comes what may be the greatest threat:...Read more
TBC Today
I recently gave the title of this article as the topic for one of my messages to an individual who was putting together a prophecy conference. An obvious pause on his end of the phone line told me that he was trying to imagine how psychology might possibly fit in...Read more
feature article
This is the pdf version of the April 2006 The Berean Call .Read more
There are many unsung heroes of the Christian faith — dear departed saints who have toiled in humble obscurity for the Lord on earth but will receive their reward in heaven. Dr. Henry M. Morris, credited as "the father of modern scientific creationism" and founder of the Institute for Creation...Read more
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