April 2006 | thebereancall.org

April 2006

Thank you for your prayers Many of you have been asking about our daughter Janna and her fight with cancer. She is actually feeling much better. The cancer markers are down and the doctor has allowed her to forego chemotherapy for a time. Your continued prayers are so very much...Read more
tbc notes
Mr. Hunt, I cannot thank you enough for your diligence in researching all the deceptions that are occurring in "Christendom." Sometimes the widespread deception is overwhelming. Over the past couple of years I have spoken to other "believers" about what I have seen and what you have exposed. At the...Read more
The Wall Street Journal, 3/9/06: On eBay, an Atheist Puts His Own Soul on the Auction Block [Excerpts] : A few weeks ago, Hemant Mehta posted an unusual item for sale on eBay: a chance to save his soul. The DePaul University graduate student promised the winner that for each...Read more
news alert
Question: Why didn't the disciples recognize Jesus after the Resurrection? Answer: The disciples' unbelief (He was the last person they expected to see) was no doubt a large factor. Moreover, the scripture explains that "their eyes were holden [prevented from seeing]..." (Lk 24:16). We are also told that he "appeared...Read more
question and answer
Question: In the Dec ’05 issue of TBC there is an important, if not intentional, misrepresentation of fact which merits rectification. The statement that John Calvin taught that Infant Baptism saves betrays a regrettable ignorance of Calvin’s beliefs. Here is what he really taught, quoting from the Institutes of the...Read more
question and answer
Question: I'm a member of a would-be megachurch that follows Rick Warren 's ideas in order to become the largest church in my town. The pastor quotes The Message and the NLT . Vineyard songs are our "old hymns." The issue, of course, is whether we are becoming apostate by...Read more
question and answer
Question : Having served my last tour in the international political arena in the D.C. area, I completely concur with your answer re the Tribulation in TBC Jan. '06--up to the last sentence, which says: "I believe that the Great Tribulation under Antichrist ...will begin immediately after the Rapture." However,...Read more
question and answer
The following writers were personal friends of Dave and Ruth Hunt before being martyred by the Auca Indians. Ed McCully was Dave's best friend: Ah, tolerant generation, who pays the prophets and fondles them who are sent unto you...woe. Cursed be your Judas embrace. Damned be your friendliness...it lays shattering...Read more
