April 2013 | thebereancall.org

April 2013

Excerpted from The Harbinger: Fact or Fiction? Jonathan Cahn has over 1,700 of his messages available through the Hope of the World website. The descriptions of many of these messages are quite revealing about his approach to handling the Word of God—which appears to be mystical at its core: 1...Read more
tbc extra
A point - by - point comparison — Excerpted from The Gospel According to Rome by James McCarthy The Catholic Church Teaches: 1. Justification is a transformation of the soul in which original sin is removed and sanctifying grace infused [1987-1995]. 2. Initial justification is by means of baptism [1262-1274]...Read more
tbc extra
Dear Berean Call, I have long seen your account name on YouTube and wondered if it was another “new cult.” I am so happy to have done some research today and discovered your Mission Statement. It gave me great joy to realize I wasn’t looking at another misguided Christian group...Read more
WHAT FALSE PROPHETS? Russian Times Online, 1/28/13, “Brain Stopper No. 3: ‘What False Prophets?’ What do you get when you let a fox guard a hen house?” [Excerpts] : Dead chickens. You may wonder what this old proverb has to do with the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. Unfortunately—a lot...Read more
news alert
Contradictory Concepts of God—Which Is Correct? Question: The oldest and most popular concepts of God are either pantheism, the belief that everything [i.e. the universe] is God, or polytheism, the belief that there are many gods.... Why is the Bible so adamant against these beliefs, and why does it so...Read more
question and answer
Question [composite of several] : I am a new convert to the truth in God’s word of eternal security . I was once a “conditional securist,” but I no longer believe in this false doctrine. However, I have a question. In the book of John, in many places it is...Read more
question and answer
Question: With the pope’s suddenly stepping down, what’s Mr. Hunt’s view on the St. Malachy prophecy as it relates to Bible prophecy and Revelation 13, 17, and the false prophet being the pope? Response: Dave has stated in the past that he believes the St. Malachy prophecies are a distraction...Read more
question and answer
Like the prophets of old, we must warn Israel of their impending travail and stand with the nation as it approaches the birth pains of the Tribulation. And, like the prophets of old, we must bring to Israel the comforting message that there is hope and victory in Jesus, the...Read more
Article first published in June, 1991 Join me today in fasting and prayer for the 115 Cardinals seeking God's Will in a new leader." — Rick Warren , Twitter, 03/12/13 The evangelical church today is being seduced as never in its history. It faces a danger so grave that, although...Read more
feature article
„Schließen Sie sich mir heute im Fasten und Gebet für die 115 Kardinäle an, die Gottes Willen für einen neuen Führer suchen.“ – Rick Warren , Twitter, 12.03.2013 Der Artikel wurde ursprünglich im Juni 1991 veröffentlicht Die evangelikale Kirche heute wird wie nie zuvor in ihrer Geschichte verführt. Obwohl wir...Read more
feature article
