May 2013 |

May 2013

Are Military Leaders and the Mainstream Media [MSM] Embracing an Anti-Christian Extremist? [Excerpts] Over at, a post discussing potential Pentagon regulations prohibiting proselytization has gone viral, at last count with more than 1.2 million Facebook shares and 8,000 comments. While I’m not aware of any immediate or pending change...Read more
TBC Today
Report: IRS denied tax-exempt status to pro-lifers on behalf of Planned Parenthood [Excerpts] IRS officials refused to grant tax exempt status to two pro-life organizations because of their position on the abortion issue, according to a non-profit law firm, which said that one group was pressured not to protest a...Read more
TBC Today
End May Be Near for California Evangelical Radio Network [Excerpts] The end may be near for a California evangelical radio network used by a preacher to predict — incorrectly — the apocalypse, a newspaper reported. Oakland-based Family Radio has sold its three largest radio stations, and tax records show the...Read more
TBC Today
IN-DEPTH: Persecution of Nigeria's Christians [Excerpts] The publicly reported Christian casualties in Nigeria last year were greater than the Christian casualties of Pakistan, Syria, Kenya and Egypt combined. In fact, Nigeria alone accounted for almost 70 percent of Christians killed globally. This makes Nigeria the most lethal country for Christians...Read more
TBC Today
Those of us who emphasize orthodoxy and neglect acting in love must be chastised to live out our faith. We must be exhorted to put deeds to our words. But those of us who emphasize good works and neglect teaching orthodoxy must be rebuked to return back to the preaching...Read more
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