May 2013 |

May 2013

Teacher fired over Bible files complaint [Excerpts] A substitute teacher who lost his job for showing his Bible to a student has filed a complaint against the Phillipsburg School District. Walt Tutka claims religious discrimination and retaliation as the reasons for his dismissal from the district in January, according to...Read more
TBC Today
Members of [Britain's] Parliament [MPs] urge Government to monitor gender of aborted babies [Excerpts] MPs have called on the Government to compile statistics on the gender of aborted babies in a Parliamentary debate this week. It comes after health minister, Earl Howe, revealed that birth statistics in the UK show...Read more
TBC Today
Bombings in Sudan Kill Christians, Destroy Church Building [Excerpts] The Sudanese government’s bombing of predominantly Christian, ethnic Nuba civilians in South Kordofan state has taken more lives the first three months of this year – possibly including Muslims, sources said. Two civilians were killed and 12 seriously wounded on March...Read more
TBC Today
