May 2014 |

May 2014

„Verwundert euch nicht, meine Brüder, wenn euch die Welt hasst“ (1 Johannes 3,13). Johannes sprach diese Worte. Wenn die historische Überlieferung zutrifft, ist er der einzige Apostel, der im hohen Alter starb. Die anderen wurden gemartert, auf vielfältige Weise zu Tode gebracht. Dazu gehörte Kreuzigung, das Schwert, von der Spitze...Read more
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Auszug aus Kapitel fünf von Judgment Day! Von Dave Hunt Die Anschuldigung, die Israelis hätten beinahe eine Million Araber im 1948er Krieg aus Palästina vertrieben, wurde weithin publiziert und geglaubt. Dies ist die Grundlage der Forderungen, welche die „Palästinenser“ für das Recht ihrer Rückkehr in ihre früheren Dörfer machen. Es...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
Das ist die pdf Version des TBC Rundbriefes vom Mai 2014Read more
Biologos Funds Projects To Undermine The Authority of The Word of God [Excerpts] The BioLogos Foundation is committed to trying to get the church to reconcile evolution with the Bible. In 2012 BioLogos offered grants through their Evolution and Christian Faith program to people who wanted to produce “new resources...Read more
TBC Today
The Bondage of Religious Deception Many former Catholics have looked back on their experience of participating in the weekly Sacrifice of the Mass as a "prison sentence." It was something they were forced to attend to avoid the penalty of a mortal sin. Others remember it as a mindless ritual...Read more
TBC Today
A lot of our activity often mistaken for revival is just the church turning over, but not waking up. Turning over is not getting up, and waking up is not getting up. The Word of God says we’re to get up and go about our business for the King. A...Read more
TBC Today
Monuments and Memorial Day: Remembering Who We Are Today, thousands of American flags dot Arlington National Cemetery—one for each grave marker. Red, white and blue dominate the green landscape. Memorial Day is a day to remember those who’ve died serving in the U.S. military. Civil War veteran General John A...Read more
TBC Today
Flocking to 'Other Christianities:' Like Seagulls to Trash Piles [Excerpts] In October 2012 [a Smithsonian Channel documentary aired] that examined a fourth-century papyrus fragment in which Jesus purportedly refers to His "wife." At the time, I noted that even if it weren't a blatant forgery, there was ample reason to...Read more
TBC Today
Palestinian Official: Soak the Land with Blood to ‘Liberate Jerusalem [Excerpts] Even at the height of the peace negotiations with Israel , in December 2013, Fatah official Tawfiq Tirawi said that Palestinians were not committed to non-violence. Rather, he said that negotiations are just one option, and do not preclude...Read more
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