June 2019 | thebereancall.org

June 2019

For many years the magazine of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in the United States was called New Age . That title accurately described Masonic beliefs and rites. In order to hide that fact (because the truth about the New Age is becoming known), the name has been changed to Scottish Rite...Read more
TBC Today
Remember that 1980’s cough syrup commercial when Chris Robinson said, “I’m not a doctor, but I play one on TV”? I wanted to paraphrase these immortal words when I read what actor Joaquin Phoenix of “Gladiator” fame said about his role as Jesus in the upcoming movie, “Mary Magdalene.” Phoenix...Read more
TBC Today
So often the providences of God seem to run completely counter to His promises, but only that He may test our faith, only that He may ultimately accomplish His purpose for our lives in a way that He could never do if the path were always smooth. —Alan Redpath (9...Read more
TBC Today
Masonry has its own anti-Christian gospel, which assures members that through good works and obedience to its tenets they will reach the Celestial Lodge in the Sky presided over by the G.A.O.T.U. (Great Architect of the Universe), or “God as you conceive him to be.” Masonic authority Carl H. Claudy...Read more
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Apparently jealous of the attention paid to The New York Times for an anti-Semitic cartoon in its international edition , Stanford University’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine wanted in on the action. It posted anti-Semitic cartoons on flyers advertising an event for the College Republicans chapter, the CRs...Read more
TBC Today
Occultism has also gained a new respectability both in the world and the church through its acceptance and promotion by numerous business and civic leaders and pastors. Among the latter, none was more influential than Norman Vincent Peale. A prolific and popular “Christian” author, Peale’s writings have introduced millions in...Read more
TBC Today
In a CT follow-up article two months later titled “Christian McCarthyism,” Philip Yancey denounced as “McCarthyism” any attempt to bring correction in the church. That accusatory label succeeded 50 years ago in protecting Communists in influential positions (who were betraying the United States from within) by ridiculing anyone who exposed...Read more
TBC Today
The scene is quite familiar to many people: a nervous, well-intentioned, but sometimes ill-prepared Bible teacher stands or sits before the class, reads a passage of Scripture, and then begins a discussion with this simple question, “What does this mean to you?” The question seems innocent enough. Many people find...Read more
TBC Today
In a shocking video shared to YouTube, children at the Philadelphia Islamic Center sang about fulfilling Allah’s promise by leading an army and chopping off the heads of unwarranted people. "We will defend the land of divine guidance with our bodies, and we will sacrifice our souls without hesitation," the...Read more
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