June 2019 | thebereancall.org

June 2019

Question: I teach high school Bible classes, and here is a question from my students: “If heaven was perfect, where did the temptation come from for Lucifer to fall?” Response: Heaven was indeed perfect, but we are told clearly that man and Satan both, having been given a choice, long...Read more
question and answer
First published in September 1990 We have noted that the ecumenical movement plays a key role in forming the Antichrist ’s world religion, which will be a paganized Christianity such as was developed under Constantine and became Roman Catholicism . It is therefore not surprising that behind the scenes, the...Read more
feature article
Many Christians assure themselves that there is real virtue in trying to see all the good they can in everyone and that in so doing they are showering Christ’s love. After all, isn’t love the most important virtue (1 Corinthians 13)? But love is meaningless without truth. Showing the influence...Read more
TBC Today
