June 2019 | thebereancall.org

June 2019

It can hardly be coincidence that “Ramtha,” who channels through J. Z. Knight, preaches the same cosmic gospel from the East. Those who have rejected the Bible as “myth” turn right around and swallow the wildest tales—and there is none wilder than Ramtha’s. Having allegedly lived in mythical Atlantis 35,000...Read more
TBC Today
Michigan's first-ever Muslim candidate for governor, Dr. Abdul al-Sayed, took a shot at fellow gubernatorial candidate Patrick Colbeck on Thursday that what some Republicans are saying was below the belt.Colbeck, speaking at a candidate's forum in East Lansing, expressed his concerns about Sharia law and the extremist Muslim Brotherhood's tactic...Read more
TBC Today
What Was the First Sin? Question: We are told in the Bible that sin entered into the world when Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit. Yet Eve wanted it and must have looked upon it with desire before she actually ate of it. Was it sin for her...Read more
Dave Hunt Classic
Peruvian Walking Whale AnswersInGenesis.org, 4/9/19, “Peruvian Walking Whale” [Excerpts]: A recent journal article published by Current Biology, features the discovery of a fossil (MUSM 3580) touted as a “walking whale,” in the Pisco Basin, located in the desert of the southern coast of Peru, South America. The paper mentions that...Read more
news alert
Former Beatle George Harrison said in an interview, “There is nothing more important than finding out what is after death. What happens to us after we die?” It was Harrison’s faith, the interviewer stated, that got him through his battle with cancer. One of his biggest solo hits was “My...Read more
What in the World?? We Americans are living in terribly disturbing times. Why would I say that? We are not at war. We are prospering economically. We seem to be handling our health issues well, especially the treatment of major diseases. We are a literate nation and a well-educated society...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Berean Call, Thank you for sharing the truth from God’s word. I really like Dave Hunt’s teachings and am subscribed to your YouTube channel. Yes, Brother Dave was spot on about how the church is being prepared for the Antichrist , but we know we will be gone to...Read more
Question: Jesus said, “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not but are the congregation of Satan” (Rv 2:9; 3:9) Those who believe in amillennialism say that the church is the “New Israel .” Wouldn’t that make them blasphemers? Response: It certainly makes them...Read more
question and answer
Question: When the Scriptures talk about self, what do they mean? Response: The Bible doesn’t give a definition for self, but it does tell us some things about self. Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow...Read more
question and answer
