July 2024 | thebereancall.org

July 2024

This is the PDF (Printable) Version of the TBC August 2024 Newsletter. The new LARGE PRINT version is also available by mail: Click here to order .Read more
One of today’s most common misperceptions is the idea that science is all knowing and, given enough time, will eventually solve all of our problems. Yes, science has made great strides in material matters, but it is limited to material facts and figures. Most of life as we experience it...Read more
TBC Today
I am a pastor and also part of a street preaching and evangelism team in Adelaide, South Australia and most Friday nights we meet on a busy street corner in the city to proclaim the Gospel. Everyone on the team is fully committed to the task. However, whenever I raise...Read more
TBC Today
I have never said that the terrorists' interpretation of Islam is the accurate or correct one. But I have pointed out that the terrorists portray themselves quite successfully among Muslims as the exponents of true and pure Islam , and moderates have mounted no successful response as yet. —Robert Spencer...Read more
TBC Today
In his debate with Lennox, Dawkins attempted to whitewash the sordid history of atheism as it has been revealed in the past few decades by saying that the denial of God was only peripheral to communism and fascism and not that important. On the contrary, Victor Aksiuchitz, who knew Lenin...Read more
TBC Today
“Three Columbia Deans Placed on Leave Pending Investigation,” by Eliana Johnson, Washington Free Beacon , June 20, 2024: Three of the Columbia University deans caught exchanging dismissive text messages during a May 31 panel on anti-Semitism have been placed on leave as the university investigates the incident, a spokesman for...Read more
TBC Today
In serious disagreement with Gould’s non-overlapping magisteria theory, Dawkins believes that religion and science deal with the same determination of ultimate reality. For Dawkins and the other New Atheists, the conflict is genuine, and all belief in God must be ruthlessly stamped out. That was attempted under threat of imprisonment...Read more
TBC Today

Gehet [nun] hin und machet alle Nationen zu Jüngern, und taufet sie auf den Namen des Vaters und des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes, und lehret sie, alles zu bewahren, was ich euch geboten habe. Und siehe, ich bin bei euch alle Tage bis zur Vollendung des Zeitalters.

Ursprünglich veröffentlicht...Read more

feature article

Christus war nie in Eile. Es gab kein Vorpreschen, keine Vorfreude, kein Grübeln über das, was sein könnte. Die Aufgaben eines jeden Tages wurden so erledigt, wie sie der Tag mit sich brachte, und der Rest wurde Gott überlassen.

— Mary Slessor (1848-1915, missionary to Nigeria)...Read more

