Dear Dave,
How I thank the Lord for the gift of discernment that He has given to you. It breaks my heart to see so many who at one time stood firm on the unchanging Word of God but are now drifting into the cunning, deceitful tricks of the enemy and don't even realize it-thinking they are furthering the work of the Lord, they instead are heading into the path of apostasy. EI (PA)
Dear Fellow Labourers in Christ,
You have been a great help in warning me of many unscriptural assumptions. It is so easy for Christians to catch the spirit of the age instead of seeking to correct the spirit of the age. DW (Canada)
I came across your website by "chance" today. I really enjoy your balanced view and application of Scripture. Usually...when comparing Calvinism to Arminianism, King James to modern translations, etc., there are typically camps on the fringes that are partially right. I have always thought that Biblical understanding and teaching is...a balance of the fringe ideas, and reading your works has reinforced those thoughts. RB (AZ)
Dear Brothers in Christ,
Thank you so much for writing this book (Yoga and the Body of Christ) on the demonic strongholds involved with Yoga. Christians are constantly sucked into becoming politically correct on all fronts. I am very thankful to Jesus Christ for your ministry. LS (email)
Dear Berean Call,
I appreciated the fact that you balanced your criticism of Rick Warren with your recognition that he is saved....It answers those critics who say you are too harsh or not loving. ET (PA)
Dear Berean Call,
One of the "desserts" of your newsletter is..."TBC Extra." In your dealing with the "new" movies and fiction, I'm happy to see my own thoughts put into words: "The church is mustering its troops to battle lines against phantom enemies while the adversary is softening her up from within....Marketing and entertainment have risen to the top of evangelicals' list of ‘How to Make Christianity Convenient and Popular...'" (6/06).Thank you for sharing the truth that is the Word. JS (OR)
Too bad the "Bereans" are so violently anti-Catholic they resort to lies, half-truths, and vilification in their propaganda. Save your time and postage and work at converting yourself. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you have to believe only what's in the Bible. (Anonymous)
[TBC: We're sorry, but we cannot remove you from our mailing list since you didn't give us your name.]
To The Berean Call,
A Woman Rides the Beast is very informative and is really opening my eyes. I now understand that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-century church was very different compared to the Roman Catholic Church throughout the ages. I was...considering returning to the Catholic Church when I get out of prison...until I found out that it doesn't believe the Bible to be literal, and they don't believe in the end-times, as far as the anti-Christ, mark of the Beast, rapture, etc....My plan now is to get out and find a Bible-believing church and get involved by being a servant for Jesus. MB (prisoner, CA)
Dear T.A. McMahon,
I read with interest your article dealing with psychology....The word "sensual" in Jude 19 comes from the Greek word, "Psuchichos," from which we get our word "psychology." It refers to a life which centers on self. One should note Proverbs:18:2A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.
See All... in this case. The subject...must deal with feelings. Basically, it must make one feel good....It does not have eternity set in the heart. It deals only with the moment....It has a goal of present satisfaction only....The message is nearly always a relational message. It keeps our focus horizontal instead of vertical-on Christ. I find it is interesting that Jude 18 sets this attitude in the last days, combined with II Timothy 4:2-8. I believe we are seeing a fulfillment of this prophecy by what is heard on radio, television, and in the bookstores. At one time, one could go into a bookstore and find most of the shelves to be Bibles, commentaries, or doctrinal-type books. There would be perhaps one shelf that dealt with psychological things, often centered around the family. Now all that is reversed....Praise God, our redemption draweth nigh! AB (email)