Question: Stanley Hilton, a former chief of staff for Bob Dole, has said he possesses documents showing Bush personally ordered the attack on 9/11....I've seen a video that shows the planes...these are not passenger was a set-up! |

TBC Staff

Question: Stanley Hilton, a former chief of staff for Bob Dole, has said he possesses documents showing Bush personally ordered the attack on 9/11. It was impossible for planes hitting the Twin Towers so near its top to bring it down, especially in an implosion. There had to have been explosive charges carefully set beforehand. I've seen a video that shows the planes in slow motion approaching and crashing into the towers, and there are no windows, these are not passenger planes with people aboardit was a set-up.

Response: I've watched that video. Those who love "conspiracy" theories and want to discredit Bush and the U.S. government hold it up as "proof." That it cannot be true, however, is so obvious that those using it to further their theories ought to be embarrassed, if not ashamed.

If these were not the scheduled American and United flights with passenger lists, what happened to those flights? Were the airlines in on the conspiracy, too? They have collected insurance for the destroyed planes, so were the insurance companies also part of this cover-up? And what of the missing passengers who were booked on those flights? Are they, too, part of the massive conspiracy, hiding somewhere? What of the families and friends who mourn their deaths?

And if these planes were empty of passengers but filled with explosives, and not piloted by Muslim hijackers eager to die in jihad in order to gain paradise and Allah's special reward of countless virgins for their pleasure, who were the pilots and what was their motive?! Who would have volunteered to commit suicide in this manner so that Bush could have an excuse for attacking Afghanistan and Iraq as alleged?

I must conclude that this theory is an absurdity!