Brother Dave, Ruth, and all the family at TBC,
We love you so much! Thank you for your steadfast faithfulness, your love, your life given as a living sacrifice to the service of the Lord. Only in Glory will you know the countless [souls] you have "saved by pulling them out of the fire," and I am one of them. There is so much I want to tell you—the fruit of your labors...someday we will talk it over. We will muse in awe on the great and wonderful things our God has done--and then resign them as we greet over again the living Presence of Him Who is altogether lovely. JB (OR)
Dear Dave Hunt, three-fourths through your book A Woman Rides the Beast! What an eye-opener! I do know from history...that [many] of the popes were corrupt....I remember my late grandfather and father used to take me to the RC cathedral...when I was very young....[At age] 13, as I sat and prayed with a Rosary, I suddenly decided to stop--it was all a load of rubbish. To cut a long story short, I got saved [at age] 28....My mother got saved before she died. Praise the LORD!
[Recently], I've been going to [a] Christian bookshop [where I] meet a lot interesting Christians. [The workers] seem to know what books I need at the right time and I am amazed at what I've learned—stuff churches are not telling us about....Along with my Bible, I feel I'm now onto the meat....You find if you try and talk to other Christians about it all...they label you as "over the top." Well, I'd rather be O.T.T. than left behind and in the dark! JH (United Kingdom)
Mr. McMahon,
The September Berean Call showed an unhealthy bias against the doctrines of Calvinism. You incorrectly create the impression of a three-fold salvation of Reformed Theology and miss the point—essentially, that God gives us the faith to be saved. The other option is that something good in man exists that we use to find God. I have believed both views and [have] concluded the Calvinist view to be the most accurate, simply based on the depravity of man.
Save the ink for non-Christians in error such as Roman Catholics, and alert others to wolves such as Rick Warren, but don't attack Christians...when we're on the same side, or I am afraid the unity Christ prayed for is being hindered by your writing. SF (IN)
Dear T. A.,
We have been most blessed through our associations with your work since we first heard Dave Lincoln, Nebraska, twenty-two years ago. We have been receiving The Berean Call newsletter for the past twenty-one years, and it has been a privilege to read the articles, news synopses, letters, and inquiries each month. My family and I have been equally blessed by purchasing and reading many of the books, tapes, and DVDs you offer, such as In Defense of the Faith, which we have...given as gifts to others who are looking for biblical answers to their own personal questions....We praise God for your firm foundation on the Word of God. We encourage you to continue in truth about the deeply rooted and worldly false doctrines that lure others away from God's truth. God bless all those affiliated with your ministry as you search the Scriptures daily for truth. Thank you for your continued diligence and vigilance on behalf of the true church of Jesus Christ. T&BS (NE)
Dear Mr. Hunt,
Words cannot express how deeply your book When Will Jesus Come?moved me. It has inspired me to get more serious about my relationship with Jesus. I've been laboring for the Lord for four years, and as one would imagine, in prison the harvest truly is plenteous! Satan has firmly entrenched himself into the psyche of many of the prisoners here, and they don't receive the gospel very well...but your book has armed me with indisputable facts and has helped me to present Christ's case compellingly. Thank you! RK (CA, prisoner)
Dear Dave, T. A., et al.,
Thank you for your faithfulness and for continuing to send usThe Berean Call. For over 25 years you have alerted us to the deceptions confronting the Bride of Christ in these last days. Since our first reading of Seduction [of Christianity] in the middle 80s thru the [current] issue of The Berean Call, we are reminded of the great impact your ministry has had on our lives. We pray that God will continue to strengthen and enable you until we all meet again in Glory! G&KL (MN)
Dear Dave,
I understand that it [was] your 85th birthday. Congratulations! It was in 1985 ...that I read The Seduction of Christianity. I was a relatively new believer, but in the short time that I had been a Christian, it had become obvious to me that Christendom was far from being Christ-like. Everywhere I looked I could see the world encroaching on what was ostensibly Christian. I didn't become disheartened, because the Bible prophesied that there would be a falling away, so I looked at the apostasy as a fulfillment of prophecy. I had the very good fortune of having as a mentor in Christ an elderly Spirit-filled believer who had an eye to prophecy. He advised, "Have your Bible open when you read the newspaper and you will see prophecy being fulfilled before your eyes, and this has been the case during these last 30-odd years.This is the most exciting of times to be alive and you have been blessed to live during these times and to have had the Holy Spirit lead you. Our love and very best regards to you, your wife, your family, and your ministry. J&JM (WA)
Thank you for providing...biblical and spiritual insight through [your] website. A friend in's study group gave me the website address, and I have been soaking up everything available. Your articles and insights have increased my thirst for God's Word and [are] transforming me into a true Berean. All that I have read on your site so far completely agrees with (or enhances) my understanding of the Word of God—and it enhances my desire to read and study more each day so that I might "rightly divide the word of truth" and that I will always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within me.... JM (email)
Dear Dave,
The first time we heard you speak...was at Calvary Chapel in Pocatello, ID. I believe it was 1995....We signed up for your newsletter and have gratefully received it ever since....Thank you for keeping us on track.... Our God must smile every time He hears your name, for in this day and age it seems He doesn't have very many truly faithful servants. We just want to thank you and T. A. and everyone who serves at The Berean Call for doing a work that is invaluable to those of us who may have been led doctrines that "sound biblical" had you not been there to set us straight.You have made us Bereans, and we are ever so thankful to our LORD for bringing you and your ministry into our lives. May He bless you continue fighting the good fight for Him. C&SL (ID)
Dear Mr. Hunt,
I just wanted to write to say a huge thank you for all your work over many years. My husband and I are currently working our way through your wonderful bookWhat Love Is This?and using it to warn others of the errors of Calvinism. It seems to us that once a person puts on those "Calvinist glasses" it's very difficult for them to see straight, so we feel called to teach even young Christians about this before they come into contact with this awful teaching. Many thanks for equipping us to do this through your book. MD (email)
Dear Dave,
In the mid-nineties I was a fairly new Christian, and I got caught up in the Promise Keepers "craze."...As I started reading their books and literature, I became uneasy about their ministry. Also during that time, I was involved [on the board of another ministry]. While traveling to a board meeting with a pastor from another church, he asked me if I really understood all about PK. During that discussion he told me about your ministry and The Berean Call. Well, since that time we have been supporters of The Berean Call, have read most of your books, all of the newsletters, and attended your first two conferences. In addition, we have purchased many of your books in quantity and shared them with other pastors and friends. And, yes, I dropped PK and told others why. God has truly blessed you with wisdom and discernment and a love for those who are being misled. WP (WA)
Dear Dave, Tom, and all at TBC,
I received the October issue...this afternoon and have just finished reading it. May I express a heartfelt thank-you for all that you do to uphold the Word of God. I read each issue...and have a number of your books and CDs. Speaking of your CDs, when a copying error was discovered in sent me a new set at your expense. This action tells me more of your integrity and stewardship than any written report.
Troubling, though, is the careless attitude of so many in area churches. It seems that many "Christians" do not believe the Bible, but rather what some—many of whom are less than honest--have told them the Bible says....There is no substitute for the thoughtful, contemplative, honest, Holy Spirit-led reading and study of the Word of God. It is at such times that our Lord speaks directly to each of us....Now, after more than 40 years of being a believer, I do not think it is the Word of God, I know it is the Word of the Living God!
In the early '70s...I was filled with wonder at the teaching of the Rapture and Dispensational Theology and amazed at how well ordered God's work is. Over the years He is making me what He wants me to be....Seeing His hand in so many ways, I have been amazed at the depth of His word [and] cannot help but worship our wonderful, loving God....I thank God for this work that He has given you and that you do it so well and in such a fair and loving way.... CT (ND)
Hi Dave and T. A.,
Just wanted to let you know that I've been receiving your newsletter for years and have ordered your books, all of which are great. I've never written to you before to let you know how much I appreciate your ministry and that you are in my prayers daily. I've just ordered your latest book today and am eagerly awaiting its arrival. Keep on preaching the truth of the Word of God. JL (OH)