Dear TBC,
Thank you for making the video “The Libel Against God Clearly Stated” [TBC: Available for free on our YouTube channel—]. I’m a new believer, and I’ve just been learning about Calvinism. I had a coworker say that he hated Calvinism the other day and it shocked me—I guess because I didn’t fully understand the concept of it (likely because I don’t fully understand the doctrine of “divine election”—and who could?). I went to church, after my coworker said this, with a heavy heart. My mentor told me that she also has a problem with Calvinism. She said that she has known strict Calvinists who won’t invest in the lives of their wayward children because they just assume God hasn’t chosen them! She said this doesn’t line up with the God of the Bible, who clearly stated that it is His will to save ALL. I agree with this. It definitely got me thinking. LL (email) [TBC: For more information about Calvinism see—]
Dear TBC Staff,
As our country (and the whole world) is in an uproar—many changes are happening, some temporary, some may be permanent. What a blessing that we serve God, who is immutable. He is still on the throne and in control. His promises are still absolute, and on the solid rock I stand. JA (ID)
Dear Followers of Christ,
This Thanksgiving I want to express my gratitude for your ministry. It has been such a blessing in my life for more than 35 years. Many times I prayed for wisdom regarding a question, and your newsletter would arrive with my answer from God! DA (KS)
Dear Berean Staff,
I’m always delighted to receive the newsletter. I do appreciate the explanation concerning The Message. It really answered the questions I had about it—but knowing that it was certainly not recommended by you.
Your ministry and your part of the country are in my prayers. There are lots of different sad things occurring in so many lives. How grateful I am to know God cares and the future is surely His. CW (NE)
Dear Fellow Bereans,
Thank you for another year of solid teaching. I pray this ministry will survive till He comes. My faith has grown more than ever this year, with great teaching at home and from The Berean Call. My health may be beginning to become a physical problem, but my joy in Him is greater. HP (LA)
Dear Tom, Jane, and All at TBC,
Thank you for your determined defense of the uncompromised Word—and your informing the lovers of God’s truth (2 Thessalonians:2:7For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.
See All...). CT (WI)
Dear TA and Staff,
Thanks again for the great apologetic content you provide. I’m enjoying the shows with Carl [Teichrib] from Canada. We’re living in the times of “good is evil and evil is good.” Keep speaking truth to the delusional lies coming from the secular mainstream media, some Catholics, mainline protestants, and sadly, most “evangelicals.” The term no longer has any meaning. SL (AZ) [TBC: To see the full series with Carl Teichrib on YouTube go to—]
Hi T. A. and Staff,
Just wanted to say “thank you” for your faithfulness in ministry. The Berean Call comes faithfully each month and is always a blessing. I also appreciate that you never ask for support. That tells me you continue to trust the Lord to supply the need. LC (NY)