Letters | thebereancall.org


Dear Berean Call,

I have benefited from your ministry since the 80s. My family throughout my teen years was involved in a “Christian” cult. I was able to get out and my parents eventually left. But it was The Seduction of Christianity that freed the rest of the congregation. Someone read it and passed it around…it was not an authorized book for them to read. I am so enjoying your Apostasy Update with Carl Teichrib. You both have confirmed so many things I’ve wondered about and revealed things I was unaware of. Please continue your newsletter and podcasts. CJ (email)

Dear Brothers and Sisters at the Berean Call, 

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus. I have lapsed from your mailing list and would greatly appreciate receiving your newsletter again if possible. I’ve recently moved to our prison’s “faith-based” dorm and realized it is “multi-faith based.” A real mixed bag. One of the biggest doctrinal issues is the Hebrew Roots movement and Messianic Jews who are not Jewish or Hebrew.

I remember some of the articles in your newsletter touched on these issues, and I know I can easily refute the legalism from Galatians and Romans alone. Thank you for the help. JS (prisoner, TX)


I’ve just re-watched a DVD of Dave Hunt on “Matthew 16 and the Cross.” I thought it was so good and would be wonderful for giving to others, saved or lost. I’m thankful to the Lord for the TBC ministry warning of what’s out there. I’ve seen a smidgen myself. One pastor “declared” my town to have no more shootings. (Didn’t work.) Another commanded sickness to leave, with increasing volume, as if that would work. (It didn’t.) Another group [was] teaching “healing of emotions” per John Sandford—I left that group with your website address, which they looked up, [from] a March 2014 TBC Newsletter. Also a pastor recruiting unsuspecting women to anoint with oil [as they] went forward for prayer and healing. Then there was the keyboard player who put a single note on auto for “mood” during prayer—while he left for several minutes. Your heart must really ache with all you see and discover. RW (CT)

Dear Tom,

I received information I thought you might be interested in since it relates to the field of psychology. I spent ten years in the seminary studying for the Catholic priesthood. In those days, we didn’t have any psychological teaching that I recall. This newer material seems to be something current, since there is so much discussion about the mental well-being of priests. The leadership in the seminary is seeking ways to cure their sexual problem. This just shows that there is a definite “elephant in the room.” Keep up the good work. PM (CA)

Dear TBC,

[Apostasy Update #15] with Carl Teichrib was such an important discussion! I was caught up in exactly what these fine men were talking about for more than a decade until my great Lord and Savior Jesus Christ pursued me and removed the scales from my eyes. One thing I would like to add is that the deception is slow and subtle. The darkness sucks you in in such small amounts over time that you don’t realize how deeply into it you have become. At that point, it takes the hand of God to deliver you from it. Praise God, He pulled me out of this evil deception. I pray for my friends and family that are still prisoners of this. ANON