Letters | thebereancall.org


*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views. 

Dear TBC,

Anti-Christ Spirit is Alive and well right now. Praise God...only for a short time. Christ will call the Body of Christ home soon at the Rapture...then the Kingdom of Anti-Christ will take its full short reign as the Wrath of God is poured out on the Unbelieving World. Praise God! Israel will Repent and Christ will Return and set up His Kingdom. A kingdom we are unable to build. Only Precious stones of the Living temple of those that believe by hearing the Gospel of Grace. Thank you, Carl Teichrib for your discernment. I read your book and have read all your publications. Excellent Material. ML (email)

Dear TBC,

I love Dave’s messages! Thanks for posting! Oh, YIKES!!!! Guys like Benny Hinn giving prophecies that are proven FALSE, Oral Roberts called the most SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS MAN IN TULSA, OKLAHOMA, with a hospital that went bankrupt. I repeat; OY! Granted, those beds might have come in handy in 2020, but few other times. HOW do they get away with such obvious LIES!?!?! The mind boggles!

I LOVE What Love Is This? That book brought me back from the brink of atheism, when I thought God had no problem sending my friends and family to hell. My copy is practically a coloring book, with all the highlighting I’ve done. Without a doubt, the Lord put it on Dave’s heart to write that book! J (email)

Dear TBC,

[Concerning your answer to “Did Solomon Have the Wisdom of God?”, see—https://bit.ly/3D1HIrJ] 

Solomon wasn’t really an enigma in hindsight, just a fallen man like the rest whom God used and blessed to write scripture. Yes he was wise, until he wasn’t—this is not that hard to understand. God even used King Nebuchadnezzar to write the fourth chapter of Daniel, scripture, so why people stumble at these seemingly inconsistencies shouldn’t be blamed on God or His Word, but our lack of understanding and that of the big picture and the whole counsel of God’s Word. I’m grateful for God using ministries like this one here to help us see that though we have learned much, we still have much to learn. I like to think of it as an eternal adventure. Many blessings from God to you. N (email)

Dear TBC,

First of all, THANK YOU for posting these audio chapters of Dave’s most important work! Question: IF Calvinism were true (it’s NOT!!!), but if it was, and one of the doctrines of Calvinism says that God in His SOVEREIGNTY wills ALL THINGS, even SIN, HOW would GOD be JUST? How does such a hideous doctrine even make sense to anyone?!?! In human, legal terms, if a judge committed a murder, and framed an innocent party for the crime he (the judge) committed, there would be RIOTING as soon as the injustice was uncovered. Especially AFTER the innocent party was executed for a crime he or she didn’t commit. J (email)

Dear TBC,

Thank you for this much-needed wake-up call concerning apostasy in the Church. However, I do not think you treat those who believe in the doctrine of election fairly. Charles Spurgeon believed in such and his teaching brought me into a greater understanding of the believer’s responsibility to passionately evangelize wherever they can, and that it is the Holy Spirit’s responsibility to bring the knowledge of salvation to life in the soul that is dead. Here there is election, and I fail to understand how this can be linked to apostasy. DM (email)

Dear TBC,

All my Christian life I’ve had a resistance towards Calvinism, and I couldn’t defend my beliefs as well as I thought I should be able to, scripturally. Thank you, TBC, for publishing these radio segments from Dave and Tom that give a scriptural defense to the distaste that I felt towards Calvinism. I’m saved out of the cult of Catholicism which possibly makes me more sensitive towards Calvinism and the monster it makes God out to be. CH (email)