Letters | thebereancall.org


*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views.  

Dear TBC,

I'm sorry [but] never at one time did I hear Dallas Jenkins say the Jesus that he's speaking about was the Mormon Jesus, therefore I feel this project could bring the true gospel to the LDS people. I was raised LDS and I have seen LDS people leave the church for the truth through projects like this. S (email) 

Dear TBC,

Thank you for the links that you sent about The Chosen...I especially like the 17-minute video by the former Mormon (see—https://bit.ly/3VwcWB4) which had a brief clip of Dave Hunt speaking! I wonder if he videoed it in response to The Passion of The Christ which I also refused to see...it was appropriate for The Chosen as well! (Not a surprise but VERY impressive!)

I was wondering how any Christian who loves the Word could go “ape” over The Chosen...I definitely did not know Mormons had a lot to do with it and how Dallas can say these Mormons are our brothers and sisters is VERY disturbing and has to be “called out” (as Tom and TBC did!!!). Thank you for your adherence to the Holy Scriptures NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS!! Very magnanimous! May the LORD give TBC extra jewels in your crowns at the Judgment Seat of Jesus to cast at His feet! GB (email)

Dear TBC,

“This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!” Intellectuals destroyed what Harvard was created for. As a boy, in the ’50s, having a set of Harvard Classics was a status symbol. I didn't really get the idea until reading Will & Ariel Durant. It's still a useful record of "history" and supports the biblical stories.

Does truth need support? I think so. Dave Hunt was a CPA, so am I, and his ministry was wonderfully informed by professional skepticism...Bereanism. Tom has been a worthy successor to y’all’s ministry. I'm grateful for you. BB (email)

Dear TBC,

Blessings indeed on your continued pronouncing of Biblical Truth. Can't recall who helped me connect with your ministry when I was saved out of Catholicism back in the early 1980s, but I am grateful for that brother. The accurately labeled "blasphemous" translations referenced in the 3rd part of “The Wide Gate is Booming” article series (see—https://bit.ly/3TJr6xv) are most definitely signs of 2 Timothy:4:3-4. Thankfully I study daily from the New American Standard translation where any verse from or about the Almighty and the Lord Christ capitalize those pronouns. I am deeply saddened that for close to a decade now I have not been part of a local fellowship as even our local Baptist, Bible, and even fundamental churches have buried their hymn books in favor of entertainment. PTL again for being and encouraging us to be Bereans! KS (email)