Letters | thebereancall.org


*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views. 

Dear TBC,

Hello and God bless everyone at The Berean Call. I'm engaging in a bit of overkill since I called the automated subscription line and said that I wanted to keep receiving the newsletter, but just to make sure it heard me correctly, yes, absolutely I would like to continue receiving the newsletter. As a side note, can't tell you how much I've benefited from reading Dave Hunts' books. He was such a great student of the Word and had such a logical mind. Thanks for sending out the newsletter—may God continue to bless all at the Berean Call. DW (email)

Dear TBC,

I watched a religion program on TV last night, the praying of the rosary at Lourdes. The only thing that kept running through my mind was the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “Do not pray as the heathen, with a multitude of vain repetitions.” Even though a portion of the repetitions were actually part of the Lord's prayer, most of it was praying to Mary, and though it was hard to make it out very well, they seemed to be stating that Mary was conceived without sin.

They were not praying to the Father…but rather asking (praying) for Mary to pray for them. It was spooky, and there was no joy among them that I could see; they were merely droning out a repetitive formula. It seemed dead, and merely a rote ceremony, and nothing to indicate our salvation through grace by faith in the sacrifice of the blood atonement of Jesus Christ our Lord. SM (email)

Dear TBC,

I watched one episode of The Chosen...I said to my husband this is dangerous and gave him several reasons…. He didn't agree. We watched a second part which made me even more uneasy...that night while praying, every time I said “Jesus” the actor’s face came to mind…. The next evening I told him I won't be watching this again and I told him what happened—that gave him a shock and we never watched it again. Carol Matrisciana did a teaching on images of Jesus...that came to mind afterwards. How many people watch this and then when praying see the actors face? Anon. (email)

Dear TBC,

The eucharist Christ is being pushed by Marian apparitions and the Catholics are eating it up. Also, many half-hearted “evangelicals” are falling for this nonsense. It’s so sad…I have been saying for a while now, “The great falling away isn’t coming…it IS here.” Galatians:1:8-9 is clear: “Let them be accursed who knowingly mislead the people.” God bless all the disciples. Jesus dying, and finishing it, on the cross is what takes away sin, not transubstantiation. Scripture IS clear Jesus died once and for all for sin and was raised up to the right hand of God where He IS today. OM (email)

Dear TBC,

I recently remembered Dave Hunt. I used to listen to him all the time when I was in my early 20s. Now I am about 40 and have found him on YouTube, yay! So grateful for these uploads. Maranatha! JG (email)

Dear TBC,

Thank you very much, The Berean Call, for such a valuable teaching to be able to know and understand the deception that is operating in so many places. You are true watchmen of God, and I ask that God bless you and that you continue to be faithful defenders of the most holy Word of God. Anon. (Translated from Spanish)