TBC Notes | thebereancall.org

T. A. McMahon

Are You “Continuing Stedfastly”?

And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. (Acts:2:42)

If I were to pick one verse from God's Word that packs it all in for me, it's definitely Acts:2:42. I'm exhorted and convicted by practically every word. Here's the way it challenges me: Am I continuing “stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine”? “Steadfastly” (modern spelling) means that I am recognizing that it's the Word of God (not the word of men) which the apostles were given by the Holy Spirit and instructed to teach. That's biblical doctrine which I need to know in order to obey!

My favorite time of fellowship is primarily participating in Bible studies, whether it’s a Saturday men's study or a Zoom meeting get-together with the TBC staff four days a week. I consider the breaking of bread as having meals with my brothers and sisters in Christ as well as remembering the Lord's sacrifice, which our church does on a monthly basis.

All the above must be submitted and sustained through prayer (and that “without ceasing”—1 Thessalonians:5:16-18). Our Thursday Zoom meeting is dedicated to praying for those who contact us through emails and calls requesting prayers for themselves and others.

T. A. McMahon

Executive Director