July 2003 | thebereancall.org

July 2003

Photographs, taken from Earth-orbiting satellites, show small, ice-filled comets striking Earth’s upper atmosphere at at average rate of one every three seconds. Each comet adds 20-40 tons of water to the Earth’s atmosphere. If this influx began when evolutionists say the Earth started to evolve, all our oceans would have...Read more
TBC Today
Many critics in the field recognize the pseudo-scientific nature of psychotherapy. Psychiatrist-lawyer Jonas Robitscher, in his book The Powers of Psychiatry, says regarding the scientific status of psychiatric advice: “His advice is followed because he is a psychiatrist, even though the scientific validity of his advice and recommendations has never...Read more
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Although it may seem unlikely to succeed, we are to attempt to persuade the entire human race to renounce the Lie and embrace the truth. Yes, the prophecies pronouncing judgment on this earth are unequivocal. But so was the judgment that God told Jonah to denounce against Nineveh : “Yet...Read more
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The International Jerusalem Post, 6/20/03: Within seven days, Israelis witnessed two peace summits with their promise of the end of terror--and saw three attacks in which 23 people were slain, including a pair of lovers axed to death in a car outside Jerusalem, four soldiers whose camp was infiltrated near...Read more
TBC Today
World Population: More than 6,000,000,000 (6 billion). Number of people who speak a language with no Scripture: at least 380 million; 250 million don’t have the Scriptures or a translation program, 130 million don’t have the Scriptures but do have a program in progress Population of individual language groups needing...Read more
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WorldNetDaily.com , 6/24/2003: Citing Mosaic law and the Founding Fathers, a Pennsylvania man insists he must bear the burden of punishment for his wife, who was ticketed for breast-feeding their daughter while driving in Ohio. Catherine Nicole Donkers, 29, could have gone on her way after paying a $100 fine,...Read more
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San Francisco Chronicle, 4/11/03: Deep in the ruins of a Hebrew town sacked nearly 3,000 years ago by an Egyptian Pharaoh, scientists say they have discovered new evidence for the real-life existence of the Bible's legendary kingdoms of David and Solomon. The evidence refutes recent claims by other researchers who...Read more
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www.allafrica.com June 14, 2003 UGANDA - That a national soccer team would hinge it chances of qualification for the Nations Cup to black magic, is a classic example of how witchcraft is embedded in the minds of locals, and that anything beyond normal understanding is attributed to witchcraft. In Uganda,...Read more
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Man Says: We have sung Nearer the Cross and we have prayed that we might be Nearer the Cross but the cross has no salvation in it. It is a place of failure and defeat." (E.W. Kenyon, Advanced Bible Course, p.279) God Says: “But this man, after he had offered...Read more
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