July 2003 | thebereancall.org

July 2003

WorldNetDaily.com June 3, 2003: It's not unusual to hear of mainline Protestant clergy who reject fundamental Christian doctrines such as the deity of Jesus Christ, but a Lutheran minister is going a step further, claiming God does not exist. Danish pastor Thorkild Grosboel of Taarbaek, near Copenhagen, was suspended today...Read more
TBC Today
We have previously shown that conceptual ideas expressed in words are not physical. Those who doubt this fact must answer the following questions: How much does morality weigh ? How does ethics feel to the touch ? What is the taste of justice, the odor of holiness, the sound of...Read more
feature article
All-Vacation Bible School? Most vacation Bible programs that I’ve personally observed are valuable experiences for children, especially for those who have had no exposure to the Bible. One drawback for many of those who attend is that it lasts only five days—then forget about the Bible until next year! Here’s...Read more
tbc notes
Dear Mr. Hunt, I have been reading your books with intense interest for quite some time now….I must say that I have enjoyed every page and am still enjoying them…. A Cup of Trembling —what a cracker of a book it is! I have read it through and through and...Read more
DemocratandChronicle.com , 5/6/03: In a historic effort to help educate the community about their religions—and to show they have more in common than their differences—local Catholic and Muslim leaders on Monday signed “An Agreement of Understanding and Cooperation.” “There are lots of innocent misunderstandings on both sides,” said Patrick O’Connor...Read more
news alert
Question: Your February 2003 article was wrong about Christ reigning in Jerusalem. His throne will not be there ( Acts:2:22 Ye men of Israel, hear these words; Jesus of Nazareth, a man approved of God among you by miracles and wonders and signs, which God did by him in the...Read more
question and answer
Question : You say that Allah is a contraction of al-ilah, meaning “the chief God.” So why couldn’t that be the same as “the most high God” in the Bible ( Genesis:14:18-22 [18] And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of the...Read more
question and answer
Question : You say that Islam is a violent religion and that Christianity is not. Yet the Old Testament is full of commands by God to kill pagans—sometimes men, women and children. How can I justify this when I witness to Muslims? Answer: The Old Testament is not “ full...Read more
question and answer
Question: In your May article you said that the angels [at the time of His incarnation] had known Christ “as God the Son, one with the Father, for at least 6,000 years by earth time....” I’m sure you must have meant 4,000 years. Answer: Thank you for pointing out this...Read more
question and answer
