July 2003 | thebereancall.org

July 2003

www.agapepress.com, 6/6/03, Louisiana - Homosexual activists in Louisiana are lobbying for a "Gay Pride" specialty license plate.... Louisiana, like most other states, offers specialty license plates to drivers for an additional sum. Those funds are usually donated to the group or cause that the plates promote. Members of the group...Read more
TBC Today
Professing believers who stay on a milk diet are unskilled in the word of righteousness. They are hearers of the word but not doers. They lose what they do not use, and remain in a state of perpetual infancy. They do not have a keen sense of discernment in spiritual...Read more
TBC Today
A Tale of Two Sisters The Tragedy of Ecumenical Unfaithfulness ---------------------------------------------------------- With heart so kind and gentle, And sympathetic eye; With touching deep affection, And loyal, tender tie— Was LOVE betrothed to DOCTRINE To hold him all her days, And walk the path of gladness United in His ways. Her...Read more
TBC Today
Dr Kettlewell of Oxford University in England introduced the peppered moth melanism story in 1955 as evidence for evolution by natural selection. Since then it has appeared in almost every biology text as evidence for evolution. Yet there are serious problems with Kettlewell’s story. 1) The moth does not rest...Read more
TBC Today
The Australian, 06/16/03: Potter bigger than the Bible? Superlatives are spilling over as the world braces for the biggest book launch in history – but does the magic still work? In a book called The Da Vinci Code, currently the hottest title in the US, an author talks reverently about...Read more
TBC Today
During 1974-1975 excavations at the city of Ebla in Northern Syria, public archives were discovered, containing over 17,000 clay tablets, written in cuneiform script, dating to 2450-2350 BC. Names recorded on the tablets sound very familiar to Old Testament readers, including Mi-ka-Ilu (Michael), meaning "Who is like El [God]?" Others...Read more
TBC Today
