July 2003 | thebereancall.org

July 2003

Psychologist William Kirk Kilpatrick: It sometimes seems that there is a direct ratio between the increasing number of helpers and the increasing number of those who need help. The more psychologists we have, the more mental illness we get.... One has to wonder at it all. In plain language, it...Read more
TBC Today
DNA? There’s another hurdle for Darwinism—the genetic code. How do arm cells know they are arm cells, not nose cells? How do the cells of a fetal giraffe know to grow up as a giraffe, not a zebra? They require instructions. Genes carry hereditary information. DNA is the substance of...Read more
TBC Today
Man Says: “If you are a Christian, you have Jesus Christ in you by His Holy Spirit!! Jesus is living in you! This is the same Jesus who created the Sabbath day way back in Genesis! The same Jesus who made the Sabbath holy way back in Genesis! The same...Read more
TBC Today
