*Our purpose in this section is to simply show what kind of feedback we receive. We may respond to some of them in private whether or not we agree with their views.
Dear TBC,
The Chosen and their followers are addicted to their entertainment/worship and don't see their outright 2nd Commandment/idolatry violation. The “gospel of Dallas” being only 5% actual Scripture and what Scripture they do reference purposefully neglects the actual teachings/rebukes, etc. of Jesus Christ. The folks that say it's “bringing them closer to God” is pure nonsense. Even God can take bad and make it good and bring some of those lost to Him, but that doesn't mean we're supposed to be partaking in the apostasy.
I believe most aren't cracking [open their] Bibles, and even if they are reading, they're misinterpreting and using the “gospel of Dallas” instead of the Gospel of Jesus. It should go without saying that the ecumenism is contrary to the actual gospels and Paul's letters indicate we should reject false gospels. Posthumously, they made Peter their “first pope” and further conflated Paul ordaining elders/presbyters, not “bishops” like the RCC and Orthodox church traditions try to say. Paul clearly didn't want a parallel system and held out hopes we would all come together with our different cultures while leaving pagan, false gospels, and other nonsense behind in order to come in unity to worship Jesus Christ. All of this trying to homogenize all the sects into one is just the “One World Religion” apostasy: A new Babel. MN (email)
Dear TBC,
So according to Rick Warren, the Bible did not make it very clear to us what Jesus was really like. So it failed. For centuries we had to wait for The Chosen to introduce us to the real Jesus. What hogwash. Unfortunately, Rick, numbers don’t count when it comes to the Gospel. It’s the narrow gate that counts. So The Chosen is the newest answer to “salvation.” RO (email)
Dear TBC,
I only recently discovered Dave Hunt and The Berean Call. Sadly, in the 1980s I listened to the anti-Dave Hunt propaganda put out by the false prophetic crowd he was exposing, instead of checking the truth of what Dave was teaching for MYSELF, to verify its authenticity. Consequently, I went down a number of false charismatic, Word of Faith, and NAR rabbit trails for YEARS until coming back to the Rock of Ages, Jesus Christ and His eternal Word, with nothing added to it. I'm thankful for Dave's many teaching videos that are out there, and TBC's continuing mandate to stand for Biblical truth as it upholds the narrow way that leads to Life. EW (email)
Dear TBC,
Is it safe to say that the church has not equipped the saints with the fundamentals of the faith? Encouraging them to study to show themselves approved (2 Timothy:2:15Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
See All...). Has the faithful word been taught in order that we may be able to instruct and convince the gainsayer (Titus:1:9Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
See All...)? I’m afraid that the anemic state of the church can be traced back to those who have charge over our souls! Absolutes have been traded in for tolerance. Sad, and curious times! SG (email)
Dear TBC,
It is difficult to leave any cult. It is hard to admit that you have made a mistake and equally hard to leave the error behind. So many people who should know better because they were students of the Bible, who have been deceived by the cultic doctrines because our enemy knows what buttons to push to keep us in bondage. LDS, SDA, JW, and the like all focus our salvation on what we should do, not what Christ has done for us. I know this from first-hand experience. This has been going on since the Gospel was first preached. Every generation has to confront those who would compromise the Gospel, and staying close to Jesus and His Gospel are our only defenses. DO (email)
Dear TBC,
First of all, I want to thank you for your ministry. In a sea of apostasy and confusion, and compromise with Babylon, you are a lighthouse of truth in a sea of growing darkness. Secondly, I find it more than a little ironic that ex-Roman Catholics are leading the charge against the false doctrines of Rome! Are there NO men from the "Church formerly known as Protestant" able to wield the Sword of the Spirit, and DIVIDE the false teachings of Catholicism from Biblical Christianity? Apparently not. Billy Graham, Chuck Colson, Evangelicals and Catholics Together opened the Gate, and brought the Trojan Horse into the camp! EW (email)